Pob pleser îs y rhôd

(Grâs, y trysor goreu.)
Mae pleser îs y rhôd
  A dderfydd maes o law;
Ar bleser uwch y mae fy nôd,
  Yn nhir y bywyd draw.

Pe meddwn aur Peru,
  A pherlau'r India bell,
Mae gronyn bach o râs fy Nuw
  Yn drysor
      canmil gwell.

Gwell na phleserau'r byd
  Un funyd o'th fwynhau;
Gwedd Iesu hardd
    rŷdd imi o hyd
  Wir fywyd i barhau.

Dymunwn ado'n lân
  Holl wâg deganau'r llawr,
A phenderfynu myn'd yn mlaen
  Ar ôl fy Mhrynwr mawr.
William Lewis ?-1794

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Colchester (Maurice Greene 1696-1755)
Ipswich (John James Waite 1808-68)
Lyte (John B Wilkes 1785-1869)
  Ridge (<1869)
Tytherton (L Renatus West 1753-1826)
Vesper Hymn (W Griffiths)

Mae pob pleserau is y rhod
Pe meddwn aur Periw

(Grace, the best treasure.)
There is pleasure beneath the vault
  That shall vanish soon;
On pleasure above is my aim,
  In the land of life yonder.

If I possessed the gold of Peru,
  And the pearls of distant India,
A little grain of my God's grace is
  A treasure a hundred
      thousand times better.

Better than the pleasures of the world
  One minute of enjoying thee;
The countenance of beautiful Jesus
    shall give me always
  True life to endure.

I would wish to leave completely
  All the empty trinkets of earth below,
And determine to go forward
  After my great Redeemer.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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